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Centro Universitario de la Costa Sur

Centro Universitario de la Costa Sur


Lun, 16 Mar 2020 - 14:37 -- Unidad Multimedia


PUBLICACIONES (últimos 5 años)


    1. Reyes-Gutiérrez, JA., Montañez-Valdez, OD., Guerra-Medina, CE., Ley de Coss, A. 2019. Effect of protein source on in situ digestibility of sugarcane silage-based diets. Rev FCA UNCUYO. En prensa.
    1. Macias, U., Correa-Calderón A., Meza-Herrera, CA., Avendaño-Reyes, L. Mellado, M., Montañez Valdez, OD, Vicente Pérez, R. 2019. Relationships of body surface thermography with core temperature, birth weight and climatic variables in neonatal lambs born during early spring in an arid región. Journal of Thermal Biology. 82: 142-149.
    1. Reyes-Gutiérrez, JA., Montañez-Valdez, OD., Guerra-Medina, CE., Ley de Coss, A. 2018. Effect of the inclusion of additives on the quality of sugarcane silage. Rev MVZ Córdova. 23:6710-6717.
    1. Ley de Coss, A., Guerra-Medina, CE., Montañez-Valdez, OD., Guevara F., Pinto, R., Reyes-Gutiérrez, JA.,2018. In vitro production of gas methane by tropical grasses. Rev MVZ Córdova. 23:6788-6798.
    1. Rosala, GG., Nogueda-Torres, B., Villagrán, ME., Diego-Cabrera, JA., Montañez-Valdez, OD., Martínez-Ibarra, JA., 2018. Chagas disease: Importance of rats as reservoir hosts of Trypanosomacruzi (Chagas, 1909) in western Mexico.
    1. Montanez Valdez, OD., Avellaneda CJH., Guerra Medina, CE., Reyes Gutiérrez, JA., Peña-Galeas, M., Casanova, FLM, Herrera, HC. 2015. Chemical Composition and Ruminal Disappearance of Maize Stover Treated with Pleurotus Djamor. Life Science Journal. 12:2s.
    1. Reyes-Gutiérrez, JA., Montañez-Valdez, OD., Rodríguez-Macias, R. Ruíz-López, M., Salcedo-Pérez, E., Guerra-Medina, CE, 2015. Effect of a bacterial inoculum and additive on dry matter in situ degradability of sugarcane silage. Journal of Integrative Agriculture.  14: 497–502.